Who’s In Your House?
Setting Boundaries In Your Relationships
by Fritz Musser

Keep Your House In Order
All too often, believers find themselves stuck in circumstances that seem impossible to overcome.
Therefore, while we believe the enemy is the only source holding us back, that’s just not true. If we can peel back the spiritual onion, we realize that we play a major part in the larger equation. Often, we get stuck in dead-end jobs and painful relationships.
Furthermore, we give up on our dreams because we feel that this is the best version of life we will ever see, and we eventually miss out on everything God has to offer. What’s more, we fail to see the pitfalls surrounding us, even if it’s right in our backyards or homes.
In WHO’S IN YOUR HOUSE? Apostle Fritz Musser reveals how this inspirational relationship book can help you live your best life now. It will help you sort out those people or things holding you back. Is it your finances? Children? Family members? Friends? Or maybe even your spouse?
Sorting through these questions is difficult, however, it is not impossible, if you have the right principles at your fingertips. If you’re ready to step out on faith and find God’s perfect path for success, discover the answers you need and embrace your purpose.
This inspirational relationship book is a fruitful read!
Read this book to discover the rules of relationships.
The Author did an excellent job at dissecting different relationships.

